
Showing posts from September, 2017

The cons, and pros, of quitting your job

Hey, It seems appropriate, seeing how I'm beginning this new blog during a spate of redundancy, that I start it off with an old post from the last blog. It rings as true now as it did back then, although obviously situations have changed, but it's still an interesting take on quitting the daily grind!  Have a gander, and feel free to challenge me on any of the bold statements I've made; After all, what's the internet without an argument these days! S x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've all thought about it. Don't deny it. At some point or another, when work has pushed us to the limit, we've all thought about quitting our job. It sounds like quite a simple idea in the grand scheme of things – quit, move somewhere hot and sunny and live out the rest of your days in all encompassing bliss and happiness. However, there are always limitations ...